Course title: Organic Materials for Energy and Optoelectronics
Class hours and location: Term 3, Wed/Fri 12:30-15:30 (duration of lecture-only classes is 1-2h), room E-R2-2023 and Zoom
Course website:
Course Canvas site:, use it to
Course facilities: CEST CREI
Educational: code MA030119, 8 weeks by 10 hours, 3 ECTS, graduate level (MSc/PhD), max 10 students per TA
Skoltech address: Main Campus at 30 Bolshoy Blvd, Blue Bldg at 3 Nobel St, see also public transportation
Instructor: Andriy Zhugayevych
Office: Blue Bldg 223b (closed during COVID outbreak)
Office hours: in class after 15:30, or by appointment in class before 12:30, or other time by Zoom-appointment
Phone: 3343
E-mail:, student emails will usually be answered in class
Chat: Telegram (ask TA)
Co-Instructors: Keith Stevenson
T.A.: Igor Gorokh
Lecturers: Igor Gorokh, Roman Kapaev
Course development team: Pavel Troshin (Lead Instructor 2016-2019)
Description: The course provides an introduction to physics and chemistry of organic materials as well as an overview of their applications in optoelectronics and energy conversion and storage with a focus on the development of practical skills in materials design. Students will learn about pi-conjugated semiconductors from molecules and molecular solids to polymers and materials with 2D and 3D connectivity such as graphene and metal-organic frameworks. Students will get basic skills in the design of organic field-effect transistors, solar cells, rechargeable batteries.
Intended learning outcomes:
Assessment (see details here):
Prerequisites: The course relies on basic knowledge of physics, chemistry and materials science. The general background in materials science is provided by Survey of Materials course.
Course content (see details here):