
Exciton transport

O Dimitriev, Dynamics of Excitons in Conjugated Molecules and Organic Semiconductor Systems, CR 122, 8487 (2022)

A Sneyd, D Beljonne, A Rao, A New Frontier in Exciton Transport: Transient Delocalization, JPCL 13, 6820 (2022)

Y Firdaus, V Le Corre, S Karuthedath, W Liu, A Markina, W Huang, S Chattopadhyay, M Nahid, M Nugraha, Y Lin, A Seitkhan, A Basu, W Zhang, I McCulloch, H Ade, J Labram, F Laquai, D Andrienko, L Koster, T Anthopoulos, Long-range exciton diffusion in molecular non-fullerene acceptors, Nat Commun 11, 5220 (2020) – doi

S Jang, B Mennucci, Delocalized excitons in natural light-harvesting complexes, RMP 90, 035003 (2018)

O Mikhnenko, P Blom, T Nguyen, Exciton diffusion in organic semiconductors, EES 8, 1867 (2015)