discussed version: 2.9
- Make basic installation. Preferably, the destination folder should contain no spaces or other special symbols.
- In Settings (Admin) set paper size and include
- formats: latex, mf, pdflatex, tex;
- languages: english, russian, ukrainian.
- Update packages using Update (Admin) utility.
- In Package Manager (Admin) check the list of installed packages:
- MiKTeX: miktex-*, ltxbase, ltxmisc, pdftex-def;
- TeXworks: ifxetex;
- basic: babel, tools, tds, latex2e-help-texinfo;
- cyrillic: cyrillic, lh, miktex-hyph-cyrillic, ruhyphen, ukrhyph;
- fonts: amsfonts, cm, cm-super, latex-fonts, lm, psnfss, sansmathaccent (for beamer), wasysym (wasy2);
- graphics: graphics, xcolor, pstricks (pstricks-add, pspicture, pst-coil, pst-eps, pst-node, pst-plot, pst-tools), pgf;
- non-article: a0poster, sciposter, beamer (mptopdf);
- APS: revtex (actually it is revtex4.1), textcase, url;
- ACS: achemso, cleveref (natmove is included), setspace, mciteplus, mhchem;
- miscellaneous: bigfoot, caption, cite, cmap (mmap), colortbl, endfloat, filehook (for beamer), geometry, hyperref, enumitem, multido, multirow, natbib, siunits (siunitx), soul, tdclock, wrapfig;
- bundles: ms (for beamer), oberdiek.
- In Settings add localtexmf root.
Here is my localtexmf as an example.
Configuring TeXworks
- Configuration directory is here,
copy there custom
file. Here is my tools.ini.
It requires these batch files.
- Create a folder for auxiliary files, e.g. C:\tmp\_aux.
- Enable "Format/Syntax Coloring/LaTeX".
- Preferences:
- General: Small icons
- Editor: Roboto Mono or Courier New, 9 or 10pt, UTF-8 encoding
- Preview: Fit to Width
- Preferences/Typesetting:
- set pdfLaTeX as default
- pdfLaTeX: add
- Biber: add
, -output-directory=C:\tmp\_aux
- Spelling dictionaries are here.
You may want to replace preinstalled dictionaries with your own ones.
Note that dictionaries can be edited in a plain text editor, just make sure that all words are lexically ordered.
to add custom dictionary to existing one.
TeXworks help
updated 23.05.2022