F P website, discussed version: 2015-12-27, installed version: 4.2.1
files and use them to automate conversion.
Copy them to C:/Sys/ffmpeg or any other folder in PATH
Here are my scripts converting to MP4(H264/AAC):
– no conversion, append file-info to _tmp_ffmpeg.log
– default "veryslow" conversionmp4_def
– default conversionmp4_tiny
– for the smallest size (optimized for Sony DSC-WX80)mp4_q28
– compress to CRF28mp4_s2
– downscale by a factor of 2mp4_i*
– the same as above but with deinterlacing (-vf yadif)mp3
– extract audiocut
– cutcut_reencode
– cut and re-encodeC:\Sys\ffmpeg\bin\ffmpeg.exe -i in.mts -ss 3 -t 10 -vf yadif,transpose=dir=cclock -preset veryslow out.mp4
-ss 3 -t 10 -vf transpose=dir=clock -vf code=1600:900:200:100