See examples in
labelsorhomo:=0, {Ltrig,obin,width,pos,symlabelpos,jmol,before,after,overwrite})
write MGF file, where
passed to UnfoldBS,obin::posint:=5
number of molecular orbitals per page (must be 5 for Jmol),width::posint:=10
of columns of MO coefficients (must be 10 for Jmol),pos::posint:=22
starting position of the first column (must be at least 22 for Jmol),symlabelpos::posint:=14
starting position of the symmetry label (for Jmol symmetry label must start with 1-2 nonspace symbols followed by any AO-symmetry-like label),jmol::boolean:=false,
make it readable by Jmol (convert to monomials, remove L>3 orbitals, unfold SPD shells),before,after::list({string,list}):=[]
write at the start and end of the file.CompressMGF(filename,left:=2,{nobackup,forcebackup,pos})
compress Gaussian log-file with orbitals (NO and NTO), where
number of eigenvalue blocks to leave (e.g. 0 - no NOs, 1 - 5 NOs, 2 - 15 NOs),forcebackup
overwrite those files,pos::posint:=21
starting position to read eigenvalues.