See examples in
see Atomic Orbitals.a::positive
exponential coefficient of primitive[a,c])
list of exponential and preexponential coefficients at primitive gaussians constituting the contracted gaussian.p::nonnegint
monomial power at primitive gaussian.px,py,pz::nonnegint
powers at x,y,z.xpa=[x0,p,a]
defined primitive gaussian, where x0 is its center.XPa
3D version of xpa
combine equivalent GTOs in a given wave-function,
where maxdev
if for exponents and maxdev2
is for squared distance between centers.GTOadd(psi1,psi2,maxdev,maxdev2)
add two GTO-based wave-functions.GTOexpand1(xpa1,xpa2)
expand product of two 1D primitive gaussians.GTOexpand3(XPa1,XPa2)
expand product of two 3D primitive gaussians.GTOexpand(GTO1,GTO2,{noprefactor,donotreduce})
expand product of two GTOs,
where noprefactor
ignores standard prefactor for monomials
and donotreduce
skips reduction.GTOint1(a,p)
primitive gaussian integral.GTOint2(ac1,ac2,px,py,pz)
integral of the product of two contracted gaussians.GTOint3(e::expression)
symbolic integration.GTOint3(p1,p2,a1,a2,x12)
integral of the product of two gaussians with power function separated by x12.GTOoverlap(GTO1,GTO2,{noprefactor})
overlap integral.