Format of library files

Format of index files

The general structure of index file is as follows (see examples, the encoding is UTF-8 no BOM):

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="file://C:/Sys/azh/lib.css">
<a href="../index.html">upward</a>,
<a href=".">fold</a>,
<a href="../../../Sci/XXXXXX/index.html">sci</a>,
<a href="../../../Data/XXXXXX/">dat</a>,
<a href="">wiki</a>,
<a href="">NIST</a>,
<a href="URI">quickaccess</a>
Main body

Recognized quick access links:

The main body may consist of the following entries:

The possible values of keyword in a list of links are as follows:

Format of bibliography record

List of journals abbreviations:

ACPAdv. Chem. Phys.Advances in Chemical Physics
ACRAcc. Chem. Res.Accounts of Chemical Research
AEMAdv. Energy Mater.Advanced Energy Materials
AFMAdv. Funct. Mater.Advanced Functional Materials
AMAdv. Mater.Advanced Materials
APAdv. Phys.Advances in Physics
APLAppl. Phys. Lett.Applied Physics Letters
APLMAPL Mater.APL Materials
APRAppl. Phys. Rev.Applied Physics Reviews
AQCAdv. Quantum Chem.Advances in Quantum Chemistry
ARCMPAnnu. Rev. Condens. Matter Phys.Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics
ARMRAnnu. Rev. Mater. Res.Annual Review of Materials Research
ARPCAnnu. Rev. Phys. Chem.Annual Review of Physical Chemistry
ATSAdv. Theory. Simul.Advanced Theory and Simulations
CMChem. Mater.Chemistry of Materials
CMSComput. Mater. Sci.Computational Materials Science
CPChem. Phys.Chemical Physics
CPCComput. Phys. Comm.Computer Physics Communications
CPLChem. Phys. Lett.Chemical Physics Letters
CPRChem. Phys. Rev.Chemical Physics Reviews
CRChem. Rev.Chemical Reviews
CSRChem. Soc. Rev.Chemical Society Reviews
CTCComp. Theor. Chem.Computational and Theoretical ChemistryJ Molec. Structure THEOCHEM
EESEnergy Environ. Sci.Energy & Environmental Science
IJQCInt. J. Quant. Chem.International Journal of Quantum Chemistry
IRPCInt. Rev. Phys. Chem.International Reviews in Physical Chemistry
JACSJ. Am. Chem. Soc.Journal of the American Chemical Society
JAPJ. Appl. Phys.Journal of Applied Physics
JCCJ. Comput. Chem.Journal of Computational Chemistry
JCPJ. Chem. Phys.The Journal of Chemical Physics
JCTCJ. Chem. Theory Comput.Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation
JETPJ. Exp. Theor. Phys.Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics
JMCAJ. Mater. Chem. AJournal of Materials Chemistry A
JMCBJ. Mater. Chem. BJournal of Materials Chemistry B
JMCCJ. Mater. Chem. CJournal of Materials Chemistry C
JMPJ. Math. Phys.Journal of Mathematical Physics
JNCSJ. Non-Cryst. SolidsJournal of Non-Crystalline Solids
JPAJ. Phys. AJournal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
JPBJ. Phys. BJournal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
JPCJ. Phys. Condens. MatterJournal of Physics: Condensed MatterJ. Phys. C Solid State Phys.
JPCAJ. Phys. Chem. AThe Journal of Physical Chemistry A
JPCBJ. Phys. Chem. BThe Journal of Physical Chemistry B
JPCCJ. Phys. Chem. CThe Journal of Physical Chemistry C
JPCLJ. Phys. Chem. Lett.The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
JPDJ. Phys. DJournal of Physics D: Applied Physics
JSMJ. Stat. Mech. Theor. Exp.Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment
JSPJ. Stat. Phys.Journal of Statistical Physics
LNCSLect. Notes Comput. Sci.Lecture Notes in Computer Science
LNMLect. Notes Math.Lecture Notes in Mathematics
LNPLect. Notes Phys.Lecture Notes in Physics
MHMater. Horiz.Materials Horizons
NCNat. Chem.Nature Chemistry
NCMnpj Comput. Mater.npj Computational Materials
NMNat. Mater.Nature Materials
NPNat. Phys.Nature Physics
NRCNat. Rev. Chem.Nature Reviews Chemistry
NRMNat. Rev. Mater.Nature Reviews Materials
NRPNat. Rev. Phys.Nature Reviews Physics
PAPhys. APhysica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
PBPhys. BPhysica B: Condensed Matter
PCCPPhys. Chem. Chem. Phys.Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
PDPhys. DPhysica D: Nonlinear Phenomena
PEPhys. EPhysica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures
PLAPhys. Lett. APhysics Letters A
PNASProc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USAProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
PRPhys. Rep.Physics Reports
PRAPhys. Rev. APhysical Review A
PRAppPhys. Rev. AppliedPhysical Review Applied
PRBPhys. Rev. BPhysical Review B
PRCPhys. Rev. CPhysical Review C
PRDPhys. Rev. DPhysical Review D
PREPhys. Rev. EPhysical Review E
PRLPhys. Rev. Lett.Physical Review Letters
PRMPhys. Rev. Mater.Physical Review Materials
PRXPhys. Rev. XPhysical Review X
PSSAPhys. Stat. Sol. Aphysica status solidi (a)
PSSBPhys. Stat. Sol. Bphysica status solidi (b)
PSSRPhys. Stat. Sol. RRLphysica status solidi (RRL)
PTPProg. Theor. Phys.Progress of Theoretical Physics
PTPSProg. Theor. Phys. Supp.Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplements
RCCRev. Comput. Chem.Reviews in Computational Chemistry
RMPRev. Mod. Phys.Reviews of Modern Physics
RPPRep. Prog. Phys.Reports on Progress in Physics
SPQEOSemicond. Phys. Quantum Electron. Optoelectron.Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics and Optoelectronics
TSFThin Solid FilmsThin Solid Films
WCMSWIREs Comput Mol Sci.WIREs Computational Molecular Science
ЖТФЖурнал технической физикиЖурнал технической физики
ЖЭТФЖурнал эксп. и теор. физикиЖурнал Экспериментальной и Теоретической Физики
ПЖЭТФПисьма в ЖЭТФПисьма в ЖЭТФ
ТВПТеория вероятностей и приложенияТеория вероятностей и приложения
ТМФТеор. и мат. физикаТеоретическая и математическая физика
УXУспехи XимииУспехи Xимии
УXЖУкраїнський Xімічний ЖурналУкраїнський Xімічний Журнал
УМЖУкраїнський Математичний ЖурналУкраїнський Математичний Журнал
УМНУспехи Математических НаукУспехи Математических Наук
УФЖУкраїнський Фізичний ЖурналУкраїнський Фізичний Журнал
УФЖОУкраїнський Фізичний Журнал ОглядиУкраїнський Фізичний Журнал Огляди
УФНУспехи Физических НаукУспехи Физических Наук
ФТПФизика и Техника ПолупроводниковФизика и Техника Полупроводников
ФТТФизика Твердого ТелаФизика Твердого Тела
ACS Appl. Mater. InterfacesACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
ACS Cent. Sci.ACS Central Science
Adv. Electron. Mater.Advanced Electronic Materials
ChemCommChemical Communications
Chem. Sci.Chemical Science
Faraday Discuss.Faraday Discussions
Mater. Sci. Eng. R Rep.Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports
Mater. Today Adv.Materials Today Advances
Nat. Commun.Nature Communications
npj Comput. Mater.npj Computational Materials
Prog. Mater. Sci.Progress in Materials Science
Prog. Surf. Sci.Progress in Surface Science

List of publishers abbreviations:

LNprivate Lecture Notes
APAcademic Press
CUPCambridge University Press
OUPOxford University Press
WSWorld Scientific Publishing Company
МирМ., Мир
НаукаМ., Наука
ФМЛМ., Физматлит

Filenaming conventions

Filename structure is <prefix><author><YY><suffix>.

Prefix indicates document type:

indexed articleno suffix
not indexed article_
reference manualRef_
book or monographBook_
lecture or introductionLec_
letter or short noteLet_
collection of articlesCol_
PhD thesisPhD_

Author is surname of first author or editor with omitted spaces.

Suffix provides additional information.

multiple articles in yeara,b,c,...
multiple volumesv1,v2,...
only part of documentp or p1,p2,...
supporting informationadd
peer reviewrev
CIF filescif
ZIP archivezip