
Specific models

Directed percolation

Sire C, A precise approximation for directed percolation in d = 1 + 1, PRE 66, 066128 (2002)

Grimmet G, Hiemer P, Directed percolation and random walk, math/0108062

Rajesh R, Dhar D, An exactly solvable anisotropic directed percolation model in three dimensions, PRL 81, 1646 (1998)

Jensen I, Guttmann A J, Series expansions of the percolation probability on the directed triangular lattice, JPA 29, 497 (1996)

Jensen I, Guttmann A J, Series expansions of the percolation probability for directed square and honeycomb lattice, JPA 28, 4813 (1995)

Other models

Thomsen C, Critical exponents and percolation thresholds in two-dimensional systems with a finite interplane coupling, PRE 65, 065104 (2002)