
Percolation transition

Percolation threshold (Wikipedia)

F Coupette, T Schilling, Exactly solvable percolation problems, PRE 105, 044108 (2022)

J Tran, T Yoo, S Stahlheber, A Small, Percolation thresholds on three-dimensional lattices with three nearest neighbors, JSM 2013, P05014 (2013)

M J Lee, Pseudo-random-number generators and the square site percolation threshold, PRE 78, 031131 (2008)

P M C de Oliveira, R A Nobrega, D Stauffer, Are the tails of percolation thresholds Gaussians?, JPA 37, 3743 (2004)

O Stenull, H Janssen, Logarithmic corrections to scaling in critical percolation and random resistor networks, PRE 68, 036129 (2003)

P Grassberger, Critical percolation in high dimensions, PRE 67, 036101 (2003)

J C Wierman, Percolation threshold is not a decreasing function of the average coordination number, PRE 66, 046125 (2002)

R M Ziff, M E J Newman, Convergence of threshold estimates for two-dimensional percolation, PRE 66, 016129 (2002)

R Juhasz, F Igloi, Percolation in random environment, PRE 66, 056113 (2002)

L N Shchur, T Rostunov, On the Aizenman exponent in critical percolation, ПЖЭТФ 76, 553 (2002)

G Paul, R Ziff, H Stanley, Percolation threshold, Fisher exponent, and shortest path exponent for four and five dimensions, PRE 64, 026115 (2001)

K A Seaton, An exact universal amplitude ratio for percolation, JPA 34, L759 (2001)

A Ticona, D Stauffer, Percolation cluster numbers in seven dimensions, PA 290, 1 (2001)

M Z Bazant, Largest cluster in subcritical percolation, PRE 62, 1660 (2000)

D Stauffer, R Ziff, Reexamination Of Seven-Dimensional Site Percolation Threshold, Int J Modern Phys C 11, 205 (2000)

C D Lorenz, R May, R M Ziff, Similarity of Percolation Thresholds on the HCP and FCC Lattices, JSP 98, 961 (2000)

Y Y Tarasevich, S C van der Marck, An investigation of site-bond percolation on many lattices, Int J Mod Phys C 10, 1193 (1999)

K S Mendelson, Percolation threshold of correlated two-dimensional lattices, PRE 60, 6496 (1999)

P N Suding, R M Ziff, Site percolation thresholds for Archimedean lattices, PRE 60, 275 (1999)

C D Lorenz, R M Ziff, Precise determination of the bond percolation thresholds and finite-size scaling corrections for the sc, fcc, and bcc lattices, PRE 57, 230 (1998)

S C van der Marck, Calculation of percolation thresholds in high dimensions for fcc, bcc and diamond lattices, Int J Mod Phys C 9, 529 (1998)

S Galam, A Mauger, A universal formulae for percolation thresholds II. Extension to anisotropic and aperiodic lattices, PRE 56, 322 (1997) – com

S Galam, A Mauger, Universal formulae for percolation thresholds, PRE 53, 2177 (1996) – com, rep

A Margolina, H Nakanishi, D Stauffer, H E Stanley, Monte Carlo and series study of corrections to scaling in two-dimensional percolation, JPA 17, 1683 (1984)

Series analysis

J Adler, Y Meir, A Aharony, A B Harris, Series study of percolation moments in general dimension, PRB 41, 9183 (1990)

S Mertens, Lattice animals: a fast enumeration algorithm and new perimeter polynomials, JSP 58, 1095 (1990)

M F Sykes, D S Gaunt, M Glen, Percolation processes in two dimensions. IV. Percolation probability, JPA 9, 725 (1976)

M F Sykes, D S Gaunt, M Glen, Percolation processes in two dimensions. III. High density series expansions, JPA 9, 715 (1976)

M F Sykes, D S Gaunt, M Glen, Percolation processes in two dimensions. II. Critical concentrations and the mean size index, JPA 9, 97 (1976)

M F Sykes, M Glen, Percolation processes in two dimensions. I. Low-density series expansions, JPA 9, 87 (1976)