
Lattice Green function

I Zucker, 70+ Years of the Watson Integrals, JSP 145, 591 (2011) – doi

G Joyce, R Delves, On the Exact Evaluation of the Face-Centred Cubic Lattice Green Function, JSP 145, 613 (2011)

A Guttmann, Lattice Green's functions in all dimensions, JPA 43, 305205 (2010) – doi

M Berciu, A Cook, Efficient computation of lattice Green's functions for models with nearest-neighbour hopping, EPL 92, 40003 (2010) – doi

G Joyce, R Delves, Exact product forms for the simple cubic lattice Green function: II, JPA 37, 5417 (2004)

G Joyce, R Delves, Exact product forms for the simple cubic lattice Green function: I, JPA 37, 3645 (2004)

G Joyce, R Delves, I Zucker, Exact evaluation of the Green functions for the anisotropic face-centred and simple cubic lattices, JPA 36, 8661 (2003)

G Joyce, Singular behaviour of the lattice Green function for the d-dimensional hypercubic lattice, JPA 36, 911 (2003) – doi

G Joyce, Exact evaluation of the simple cubic lattice Green function for a general lattice point, JPA 35, 9811 (2002) – doi

A Sakaji, R Hijjawi, N Shawagfeh, J Khalifeh, Remarks on the lattice Green's function: The Glasser case, JMP 43, 235 (2002)

G Joyce, I Zucker, Evaluation of the Watson integral and associated logarithmic integral for the d-dimensional hypercubic lattice, JPA 34, 7349 (2001)

R Delves, G Joyce, Exact evaluation of the Green function for the anisotropic simple cubic lattice, JPA 34, L59 (2001)

M Glasser, J Boersma, Exact values for the cubic lattice Green functions, JPA 33, 5017 (2000) – doi

Z Maassarani, Series expansions for lattice Green functions, JPA 33, 5675 (2000) – doi

G Joyce, On the cubic modular transformation and the cubic lattice Green functions, JPA 31, 5105 (1998) – doi

G Joyce, On the cubic lattice Green functions, Proc R Soc A 445, 463 (1994) – doi

T Morita, Use of a recurrence formula in computing the lattice Green function, JPA 8, 478 (1975) – doi

S Katsura, H Watanabe, Lattice Green's function of the body-centered cubic at arbitrary points, JMP 15, 1500 (1974) – doi

M Inoue, Lattice Green's function for the face centered cubic lattice, JMP 15, 704 (1974) – doi

T Horiguchi, C Chen, Lattice Green's function for the diced lattice, JMP 15, 659 (1974)

Y Abe, S Katsura, Lattice Green's function for the simple cubic and tetragonal lattices at arbitrary points, Ann Phys 75, 348 (1973)

G Joyce, On the simple cubic lattice Green function, Philos Trans R Soc A 273, 583 (1973) – doi

T Horiguchi, Lattice Green's Functions for the Triangular and Honeycomb Lattices, JMP 13, 1411 (1972) – doi

T Morita, Useful procedure for computing the lattice Green's function - square, tetragonal, and bcc lattices, JMP 12, 1744 (1971) – doi

S Katsura, S Inawashiro, Lattice Green's functions for the rectangular and the square lattices at arbitrary points, JMP 12, 1622 (1971) – doi

T Morita, T Horiguchi, Calculation of the lattice Green's function for the bcc, fcc, and rectangular lattices, JMP 12, 986 (1971) – doi

S Katsura, S Inawashiro, Y Abe, Lattice Green's function for the simple cubic lattice in terms of a Mellin-Barnes type integral, JMP 12, 895 (1971)

S Katsura, T Morita, S Inawashiro, T Horiguchi, Y Abe, Lattice Green's function. Introduction, JMP 12, 892 (1971) – doi

S Katsura, T Horiguchi, Lattice Green's function for the body-centered cubic lattice, JMP 12, 230 (1971) – doi

G Watson, Three Triple Integrals, Q J Math 10, 266 (1939) – doi

Helmholtz equation

A Dienstfrey, F Hang, J Huang, Lattice sums and the two-dimensional, periodic Green's function for the Helmholtz equation, Proc R Soc A 457, 67 (2001)