
Random walks

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Simple random walk

Knezevic M, Knezevic D, Spasojevic D, Statistics of equally weighted random paths on a class of self-similar structures, JPA 37, 1 (2004)

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Davison M, Essex C, Schulzky C, Franz A, Hoffmann K H, Clouds, fibres and echoes: a new approach to studying random walks on fractals, JPA 34, L289 (2001)

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Jafarizadeh M A, Mirzaee M, Aghlara H, Hierarchy of critical exponents on Sierpinsky fractal resistor networks, cond-mat/0005338

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Kozak J J, Random walks on a fractal solid, JSP 101, 405 (2000)

Acedo L, Yuste S B, Short-time regime propagator in fractals, PRE 57, 5160 (1998)

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Klafter J, Zumofen G, Blumen A, On the propagator of Sierpinski gaskets, JPA 24, 4835 (1991)

Taitelbaum H, Danino M, Havlin S, Webman I, Transport in networks with a power-law distribution of conductances: The ladder and the Sierpinski gasket, PRB 41, 2445 (1990)

Bunde A, Havlin S, Roman H E, Multifractal features of random walks on random fractals, PRA 42, 6274 (1990)

Argyrakis P, Anacker L W, Kopelman R, Random walks on fractals: higher moments, JPA 21, 569 (1988)

Guyer R A, Diffusive motion on a fractal; Gnm(t), PRA 32, 2324 (1985)

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Hilfer R, Blumen A, Renormalization on Sierpinski-type fractals, JPA 17, L537 (1984)

Gould H, Kohin R P, Diffusion on lattice animals and percolation clusters: a renormalisation group approach, JPA 17, L159 (1984)

Gefen Y, Aharony A, Shapir Y, Mandelbrot B B, Phase transitions on fractals. II. Sierpinski gaskets, JPA 17, 435 (1984)

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Random walk on trees

Movaghar B, Pohlmann B, Schirmacher W, Random walk in disordered hopping systems, Solid State Comm 34, 451 (1980)

Fisher M E, Essam J W, Some cluster size and percolation problems, JMP 2, 609 (1961)

Complex models

Hattori T, Tsuda T, Renormalization group analysis of the self-avoiding paths on the d-dimensional Sierpinski gaskets, JSP 109, 39 (2002)

Ordemann A, Porto M, Roman H E, Self-avoiding walks on Sierpinski lattices in two and three dimensions, PRE 65, 021107 (2002)

Ordemann A, Porto M, Roman H E, Self-avoiding walks on self-similar structures: finite versus infinite ramification, JPA 35, 8029 (2002)

Maricic J, Elezovic-Hadzic S, Interacting linear polymers on three-dimensional Sierpinski fractals, cond-mat/0205509

Broeck C Van den, Waiting times for random walks on regular and fractal lattices, PRL 62, 1421 (1989)

First passage time

Y Meroz, I Sokolov, J Klafter, Distribution of first-passage times to specific targets on compactly explored fractal structures, PRE 83, 020104 (2011) – doi

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Blumen A, Klafter J, Zumofen G, Trapping and reaction rates on fractals: A random-walk study, PRB 28, 6112 (1983)


Stajic J, Elezovic-Hadzic S, Hamiltonian walks on Sierpinski and n-simplex fractals, JPA 38, 5677 (2005)

Schulz B M, Schulz M, Trimper S, Random walks with feedback on fractal lattices, PRE 66, 031106 (2002)

Milosevic S, Zivic I, Elezovic-Hadzic S, Comment on ''Critical behavior of the chain-generating function of self-avoiding walks on the Sierpinski gasket family: The Euclidean limit'', PRE 61, 2141 (2000)

Pitsianis N, Bleris G L, Argyrakis P, Information dimension in fractal structures, PRB 39, 7097 (1989)

O'Shaughnessy B, Procaccia I, Diffusion on fractals, PRA 32, 3073 (1985)

Dasgupta R, Ballabh T K, Tarafdar S, Scaling exponents for random walks on Sierpinski carpets and number of distinct sites visited: a new algorithm for infinite fractal lattices, JPA 32, 6503 (1999) – cor

Matan O, Havlin S, Stauffer D, Scaling properties of diffusion on comb-like structures, JPA 22, 2867 (1989)

Incorrect papers