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One-dimensional systems


Alexander S, Bernasconi J, Schneider W R, Orbach R, Excitation dynamics in random one-dimensional systems, RMP 53, 175 (1981)


Синай Я Г, Аномальный перенос в почти-периодических средах, УМН 54, 181 (1999)

Pendry J B, Symmetry and transport of waves in one-dimensional disordered systems, AP 43, 461 (1994)

Ishii K, Localization of eigenstates and transport phenomena in the one-dimensional disordered system, PTPS 53, 77 (1973)

Bouttier J, Di Francesco P, Guitter E, Random trees between two walls: exact partition function, JPA 36, 12349 (2003)

Igloi F, Rieger H, Anomalous diffusion in disordered media and random quantum spin chains, PRE 58, 4238 (1998)