
Holstein model

Polaron (Wikipedia)

J Greitemann, L Pollet, Lecture notes on Diagrammatic Monte Carlo for the Froehlich polaron, SciPost Phys Lect Notes 2 (2018)

H Wang, Multilayer Multiconfiguration Time-Dependent Hartree Theory, JPCA 119, 7951 (2015)

D Emin, Polarons (CUP, 2013)

A S Alexandrov, J T Devreese, Advances in Polaron Physics (Springer, 2010)

Н И Каширина, В Д Лахно, Биполярон большого радиуса и взаимодействие поляронов, УФН 180, 449 (2010)

J T Devreese, A S Alexandrov, Froehlich polaron and bipolaron: recent developments, RPP 72, 066501 (2009)

A S Alexandrov, Polarons in Advanced Materials (Springer, 2007)

J Ranninger, Introduction to polaron physics: Basic Concepts and Models, cond-mat/0606665 (2006)

А С Мищенко, Диаграммный метод Монте-Карло в применении к проблемам поляронов, УФН 175, 925 (2005)

Боголюбов Н Н, Боголюбов Н Н, Аспекты теории полярона (ФМЛ, 2004)

B Gerlach, H Lowen, Analytical properties of polaron systems or: Do polaronic phase transitions exist or not?, RMP 63, 63 (1991)

Поляроны, ред Фирсов Ю А (Наука, 1975)

D Emin, On the existence of free and self-trapped carriers in insulators: an abrupt temperature-dependent conductivity transition, AP 22, 57 (1973)

B Pandey, P Littlewood, Going beyond the Cumulant Approximation: Power Series Correction to the Single-Particle Green's Function in the Holstein System, PRL 129, 136401 (2022)

J Bonca, S A Trugman, M Berciu, Spectral function of the Holstein polaron at finite temperature, PRB 100, 094307 (2019)

O S Barisic, S Barisic, Phase diagram of the Holstein polaron in one dimension, Eur Phys J B 64, 1 (2008)

H Wang, M Thoss, Multilayer formulation of the multiconfiguration time-dependent Hartree theory, JCP 119, 1289 (2003)

D Emin, T Holstein, Studies of small-polaron motion IV. Adiabatic theory of the Hall effect, Ann Phys 53, 439 (1969)

L Friedman, T Hostein, Studies of polaron motion: Part III. The Hall mobility of the small polaron, Ann Phys 21, 494 (1963)

T Holstein, Studies of polaron motion: Part II. The "small" polaron, Ann Phys 8, 343 (1959)

T Holstein, Studies of polaron motion: Part I. The molecular-crystal model, Ann Phys 8, 32 (1959)

Zero temperature

J Yang, Z Cui, A Mahajan, H Zhai, D Reichman, G Chan, Benchmarking the exponential ansatz for the Holstein model, JCP 161, 104105 (2024) – doi

L Chen, M Gelin, D Shalashilin, Dynamics of a one-dimensional Holstein polaron: The multiconfigurational Ehrenfest method, JCP 151, 244116 (2019)

C Brockt, F Dorfner, L Vidmar, F Heidrich-Meisner, E Jeckelmann, Matrix-product-state method with a dynamical local basis optimization for bosonic systems out of equilibrium, PRB 92, 241106 (2015)

F Dorfner, L Vidmar, C Brockt, E Jeckelmann, F Heidrich-Meisner, Real-time decay of a highly excited charge carrier in the one-dimensional Holstein model, PRB 91, 104302 (2015)

O R Tozer, W Barford, Localization of large polarons in the disordered Holstein model, PRB 89, 155434 (2014)

D Marchand, M Berciu, Effect of dispersive optical phonons on the behavior of a Holstein polaron, PRB 88, 060301 (2013)

D Golez, J Bonca, L Vidmar, S A Trugman, Relaxation dynamics of the Holstein polaron, PRL 109, 236402 (2012)

A Alvermann, H Fehske, S Trugman, Polarons and slow quantum phonons, PRB 81, 165113 (2010)

Ku L-C, Trugman S A, Quantum dynamics of polaron formation, PRB 75, 014307 (2007)

L C Ku, S A Trugman, J Bonca, Dimensionality effects on the Holstein polaron, PRB 65, 174306 (2002)

E Jeckelmann, S R White, Density-matrix renormalization-group study of the polaron problem in the Holstein model, PRB 57, 6376 (1998)

Equilibrium phonons

J Runeson, T Drayton, D Manolopoulos, Charge transport in organic semiconductors from the mapping approach to surface hopping, JCP 161, 144102 (2024) – doi

J H Fetherolf, D Golez, T C Berkelbach, A Unification of the Holstein Polaron and Dynamic Disorder Pictures of Charge Transport in Organic Crystals, PRX 10, 021062 (2020)

J Ren, Z Shuai, G Chan, Time-Dependent Density Matrix Renormalization Group Algorithms for Nearly Exact Absorption and Fluorescence Spectra of Molecular Aggregates at Both Zero and Finite Temperature, JCTC 14, 5027 (2018)

D Chen, J Ye, H Zhang, Y Zhao, On the Munn-Silbey approach to polaron transport with off-diagonal coupling and temperature-dependent canonical transformations, JPCB 115, 5312 (2011)

A Troisi, Quantum dynamic localization in the Holstein Hamiltonian at finite temperatures, PRB 82, 245202 (2010)

A Pereverzev, E R Bittner, I Burghardt, Energy and charge-transfer dynamics using projected modes, JCP 131, 034104 (2009)

F Ortmann, F Bechstedt, K Hannewald, Theory of charge transport in organic crystals: Beyond Holstein’s small-polaron model, PRB 79, 235206 (2009)

Y C Cheng, R J Silbey, A unified theory for charge-carrier transport in organic crystals, JCP 128, 114713 (2008)

D Heijs, A Dijkstra, J Knoester, Ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy of linear molecular aggregates: Effects of exciton coherence and thermal dephasing, CP 341, 230 (2007)

A Pereverzev, E R Bittner, Time-convolutionless master equation for mesoscopic electron-phonon systems, JCP 125, 104906 (2006)

D Emin, Self-trapping in quasi-one-dimensional solids, PRB 33, 3973 (1986)

D Emin, T Holstein, Adiabatic theory of an electron in a deformable continuum, PRL 36, 323 (1976)

Other approaches

C Brockt, E Jeckelmann, Scattering of an electronic wave packet by a one-dimensional electron-phonon-coupled structure, PRB 95, 064309 (2017)

A Mishchenko, N Nagaosa, N Prokof'ev, Diagrammatic Monte-Carlo Method for Many-Polaron Problems, PRL 113, 166402 (2014)

P Rebentrost, R Chakraborty, A Aspuru-Guzik, Non-Markovian quantum jumps in excitonic energy transfer, JCP 131, 184102 (2009)

H Bakrim, C Bourbonnais, Quantum vs classical aspects of one dimensional electron-phonon systems revisited by the renormalization group method, PRB 76, 195115 (2007)

D Emin, M Bussac, Disorder-induced small-polaron formation, PRB 49, 14290 (1994)

Q Zhang, P Phillips, Hopping-to-band transitions in disordered electronic systems, JCP 87, 2370 (1987)

Frohlich model

B Guster, P Melo, B Martin, V Brousseau-Couture, J de Abreu, A Miglio, M Giantomassi, M Cote, J Frost, M Verstraete, X Gonze, Froehlich polaron effective mass and localization length in cubic materials: Degenerate and anisotropic electronic bands, PRB 104, 235123 (2021)

F Grusdt, Y Shchadilova, A Rubtsov, E Demler, Renormalization group approach to the Froehlich polaron model: application to impurity-BEC problem, Scientific Reports 5, 12124 (2015)

V D Lakhno, Pekar's ansatz and the strong coupling problem in polaron theory, Physics Uspekhi 58, 295 (2015)

L Bartosch, Fluctuation effects in disordered Peierls systems, Ann Phys 10, 799 (2001)

A Mishchenko, N Prokof'ev, A Sakamoto, B Svistunov, Diagrammatic quantum Monte Carlo study of the Froehlich polaron, PRB 62, 6317 (2000)

E H Lieb, L E Thomas, Exact Ground State Energy of the Strong-Coupling Polaron, Commun Math Phys 183, 511 (1997)

L Lemmens, J Devresse, The 1: 2: 3: 4 theorem and the ground state of free polarons, Solid State Commun 12, 1067 (1973)

R P Feynman, Slow Electrons in a Polar Crystal, Phys Rev 97, 660 (1955)

T Lee, F Low, D Pines, The Motion of Slow Electrons in a Polar Crystal, Phys Rev 90, 297 (1953)

V Vasilchenko, A Zhugayevych, X Gonze, Variational polaron equations applied to the anisotropic Frohlich model, PRB 105, 214301 (2022) – doi

T Hahn, S Klimin, J Tempere, J Devreese, C Franchini, Diagrammatic Monte Carlo study of Frohlich polaron dispersion in two and three dimensions, PRB 97, 134305 (2018)

A A Eremko, Peierls-Frohlich problem in the continuum approximation, PRB 46, 3721 (1992)