
Quantum chemistry related methods

J Linderberg, Y Ohrn, Propagators in Quantum Chemistry (Wiley, 2004), 2ed

E K U Gross, E Runge, O Heinonen, Many-particle theory (IoP, 1991)

S Raimes, Many-electron theory (North Holland, 1972)

K J H Giesbertz, R van Leeuwen, Natural occupation numbers: When do they vanish?, JCP 139, 104109 (2013)

M Altunbulak, A Klyachko, The Pauli principle revisited, Commun Math Phys 282, 287 (2008)

P Lowdin, Quantum theory of many-particle systems. I. Physical interpretations by means of density matrices, natural spin-orbitals, and convergence problems in the method of configurational interaction, PR 97, 1474 (1955)