
Crystal structure

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H Fujihisa, Y Akahama, H Kawamura, H Yamawaki, M Sakashita, T Yamada, K Honda, T Le Bihan, Spiral chain structure of high pressure selenium-II8 and sulfur-II from powder x-ray diffraction, PRB 70, 134106 (2004) – wrong geometry

T Maaninen, J Konu, R S Laitinen, A low-temperature redetermination of the monoclinic β-form of cyclooctaselenium, Acta Cryst E 60, o2235 (2004)

Y Akahama, M Kobayashi, H Kawamura, X-ray diffraction study on pressure-induced successive phase transition in selenium, Solid State Comm 83, 269 (1992)

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R Keller, W B Holzapfel, H Schulz, Effect of pressure on the atom positions in Se and Te, PRB 16, 4404 (1977)

P Cherin, P Unger, Refinement of the crystal structure of α-monoclinic Se, Acta Cryst B 28, 313 (1972)