
Liquid and amorphous


G N Greaves, S R Elliott, E A Davis, Amorphous arsenic, AP 28, 49 (1979)

M Popescu, Structural model for amorphous arsenic, Chalcogenide Letters 2, 45 (2005)

W B Pollard, J D Joannopoulos, Electronic structure of defects in amorphous arsenic, PRB 19, 4217 (1979)

J Robertson, Valence s bands in amorphous chalcogens and arsenic, JPC 8, 3131 (1975)


X P Li, Properties of liquid arsenic: a theoretical study, PRB 41, 8392 (1990)

J Hafner, Structure of liquid arsenic: Peierls distortion versus Friedel modulation, PRL 62, 784 (1989)

R Bellissent, C Bergman, R Ceolin, J P Gaspard, Structure of liquid As: a Peierls distortion in a liquid, PRL 59, 661 (1987)