
Electronic structure

Tsoi S et al, Isotopic dependence of the E'0 and E1 direct gaps in the electronic band structure of Si, PRB 72, 153203 (2005)

Boykin T B, Klimeck G, Oyafuso F, Valence band effective-mass expressions in the sp3d5s* empirical tight-binding model applied to a Si and Ge parametrization, PRB 69, 115201 (2004)

Tiago M L, Ismail-Beigi S, Louie S G, Effect of semicore orbitals on the electronic band gaps of Si, Ge, and GaAs within the GW approximation, PRB 69, 125212 (2004)

N Bernstein, M J Mehl, D A Papaconstantopoulos, N I Papanicolaou, M Z Bazant, E Kaxiras, Energetic, vibrational, and electronic properties of silicon using a nonorthogonal tight-binding model, PRB 62, 4477 (2000) – ppsigma integral is two times smaller than its Harrison's value

E Kane, Energy band structure in p-type germanium and silicon, J Phys Chem Solids 1, 82 (1956)