
Lattice dynamics

Lattice dynamics in a nanocrystallite

Hepplestone S P, Srivastava G P, Lattice dynamics of silicon nanostructures, Nanotechnology 17, 3288 (2006)

Saviot L, Murray D B, de Lucas M C M, Vibrations of free and embedded anisotropic elastic spheres: Application to low-frequency Raman scattering of silicon nanoparticles in silica, PRB 69, 113402 (2004)

Hu X, Zi J, Reconstruction of phonon dispersion in Si nanocrystals, JPC 14, L671 (2002)

Cheng W, Ren S, Calculations on the size effects of Raman intensities of silicon quantum dots, cond-mat/0112174

Lattice dynamics in a nanowire

Adu K W, Gutierrez H R, Kim U J, Eklund P C, Inhomogeneous laser heating and phonon confinement in silicon nanowires: A micro-Raman scattering study, PRB 73, 155333 (2006)

Thonhauser T, Mahan G D, Phonon modes in Si [111] nanowires, PRB 69, 075213 (2004)

Bhattacharyya S, Samui S, Phonon confinement in oxide-coated silicon nanowires, APL 84, 1564 (2004)