
Ultrafast dynamics

M Imran, X Zhang, Z Wang, X Chen, J Zhao, A Barbon, V Voronkova, Electron spin dynamics in excited state photochemistry: recent development in the study of intersystem crossing and charge transfer in organic compounds, PCCP 23, 15835 (2021)

C Fang, L Tang, C Chen, Unveiling coupled electronic and vibrational motions of chromophores in condensed phases, JCP 151, 200901 (2019)

J F Galindo, E Atas, A Altan, D G Kuroda, S Fernandez-Alberti, S Tretiak, A E Roitberg, V Kleiman, Dynamics of energy transfer in a conjugated dendrimer driven by ultrafast localization of excitations, JACS 137, 11637 (2015) – doi, mpg

N Oldani, S Tretiak, G Bazan, S Fernandez-Alberti, Modeling of internal conversion in photoexcited conjugated molecular donors used in organic photovoltaics, EES 7, 1175 (2014)

I Schapiro, M N Ryazantsev, L M Frutos, N Ferr, R Lindh, M Olivucci, The Ultrafast Photoisomerizations of Rhodopsin and Bathorhodopsin Are Modulated by Bond Length Alternation and HOOP Driven Electronic Effects, JACS 133, 3354 (2011) – mpg

A Melloni, R R Paccani, D Donati, V Zanirato, A Sinicropi, M L Parisi, E Martin, M Ryazantsev, W J Ding, L M Frutos, R Basosi, S Fusi, L Latterini, N Ferre, M Olivucci, Modeling, Preparation, and Characterization of a Dipole Moment Switch Driven by Z/E Photoisomerization, JACS 132, 9310 (2010) – mpg

I Franco, S Tretiak, Electron-vibrational dynamics of photoexcited polyfluorenes, JACS 126, 12130 (2004)