
Organic donor-acceptor interfaces

K Nakano, K Tajima, Organic Planar Heterojunctions: From Models for Interfaces in Bulk Heterojunctions to High-Performance Solar Cells, AM doi:10.1002/adma.201603269 (2016)

J Cornil, S Verlaak, N Martinelli, A Mityashin, Y Olivier, T van Regemorter, G D'Avino, L Muccioli, C Zannoni, F Castet, D Beljonne, P Heremans, Exploring the Energy Landscape of the Charge Transport Levels in Organic Semiconductors at the Molecular Scale, ACR 46, 434 (2013)

D Beljonne, J Cornil, L Muccioli, C Zannoni, J L Bredas, F Castet, Electronic processes at organic-organic interfaces: insight from modeling and implications for opto-electronic devices, CM 23, 591 (2011)

I Burghardt, E R Bittner, H Tamura, A Pereverzev, J G S Ramon, Ultrafast photophysics of organic semiconductor junctions, Springer Series Chem Phys 93, 183 (2009)

T Shimada, Y Takahashi, J Harada, H Hasegawa, T Inabe, Band-Like Carrier Transport at the Single-Crystal Contact Interfaces between 2,5-Difluoro-7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane and Electron Donors, JPCL 9, 420 (2018)

F Kahle, A Rudnick, H Baessler, A Koehler, How to interpret absorption and fluorescence spectra of charge transfer states in an organic solar cell, Mater Horiz 5, 837 (2018)

T Unger, S Wedler, F Kahle, U Scherf, H Baessler, A Koehler, The Impact of Driving Force and Temperature on the Electron Transfer in Donor-Acceptor Blend Systems, JPCC 121, 22739 (2017)

J Ide, R Mereau, L Ducasse, F Castet, H Bock, Y Olivier, J Cornil, D Beljonne, G D'Avino, O M Roscioni, L Muccioli, C Zannoni, Charge Dissociation at Interfaces between Discotic Liquid Crystals: The Surprising Role of Column Mismatch, JACS 136, 2911 (2014)

M H Lee, E Geva, B D Dunietz, Calculation from First-Principles of Golden Rule Rate Constants for Photoinduced Subphthalocyanine/Fullerene Interfacial Charge Transfer and Recombination in Organic Photovoltaic Cells, JPCC 118, 9780 (2014)

A V Akimov, O V Prezhdo, Nonadiabatic Dynamics of Charge Transfer and Singlet Fission at the Pentacene/C60 Interface, JACS 136, 1599 (2014)

G Grancini, M De Bastiani, N Martino, D Fazzi, H J Egelhaaf, T Sauermann, M R Antognazza, G Lanzani, M Caironi, L Franco, A Petrozza, The critical role of interfacial dynamics in the stability of organic photovoltaic devices, PCCP 16, 8294 (2014)

A E Jailaubekov, A P Willard, J R Tritsch, W L Chan, N Sai, R Gearba, L G Kaake, K J Williams, K Leung, P J Rossky, X Y Zhu, Hot charge-transfer excitons set the time limit for charge separation at donor/acceptor interfaces in organic photovoltaics, Nat Mater 12, 66 (2013)

F Liu, P P Ruden, I H Campbell, D L Smith, Device model for electronic processes at organic/organic interfaces, JAP 111, 094507 (2012)

D P McMahon, D L Cheung, A Troisi, Why holes and electrons separate so well in polymer/fullerene photovoltaic cells, JPCL 2, 2737 (2011)