
Charge carrier transport

J Chen, W Zhang, L Wang, G Yu, Recent Research Progress of Organic Small-Molecule Semiconductors with High Electron Mobilities, AM 35, 2210772 (2023) – doi

A John, D George, M Hariharan, Charge Transport through Discrete Crystalline Architectures, JPCC 127, 3389 (2023)

P Hu, X He, H Jiang, Greater than 10 cm^2/V/s: A breakthrough of organic semiconductors for field-effect transistors, InfoMat 3, 613 (2021)

S Fratini, M Nikolka, A Salleo, G Schweicher, H Sirringhaus, Charge transport in high-mobility conjugated polymers and molecular semiconductors, NM 19, 491 (2020)

G Schweicher, G Garbay, R Jouclas, F Vibert, F Devaux, Y H Geerts, Molecular Semiconductors for Logic Operations: Dead-End or Bright Future?, AM 2020, 1905909 (2020)

Y Yao, H Dong, W Hu, Charge Transport in Organic and Polymeric Semiconductors for Flexible and Stretchable Devices, AM 28, 4513 (2016)

G Schweicher, Y Olivier, V Lemaur, Y H Geerts, What Currently Limits Charge Carrier Mobility in Crystals of Molecular Semiconductors?, Isr J Chem 54, 595 (2014)

R Noriega, J Rivnay, K Vandewal, F P V Koch, N Stingelin, P Smith, M F Toney, A Salleo, A general relationship between disorder, aggregation and charge transport in conjugated polymers, Nat Mater 12, 1038 (2013)

Z Shuai, L Wang, C Song, Theory of Charge Transport in Carbon Electronic Materials (Springer, 2012)

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F C Grozema, L D A Siebbeles, Mechanism of charge transport in self-organizing organic materials, IRPC 27, 87 (2008)

K Walzer, B Maennig, M Pfeiffer, K Leo, Highly Efficient Organic Devices Based on Electrically Doped Transport Layers, CR 107, 1233 (2007)

Алешин А Н, Квазиодномерный транспорт в проводящих полимерных нанопроводах, ФТТ 49, 1921 (2007)

V Coropceanu, J Cornil, D A da Silva Filho, Y Olivier, R Silbey, J L Bredas, Charge transport in organic semiconductors, CR 107, 926 (2007)

J L Bredas, D Beljonne, V Coropceanu, J Cornil, Charge-transfer and energy-transfer processes in pi-conjugated oligomers and polymers: a molecular picture, CR 104, 4971 (2004) – doi

C R Newman, C D Frisbie, D A da Silva Filho, J L Bredas, P C Ewbank, K R Mann, Introduction to organic thin film transistors and design of n-channel organic semiconductors, CM 16, 4436 (2004)

A M Stoneham, M M D Ramos, A M Almeida, H M G Correia, R M Ribeiro, H Ness, A J Fisher, Understanding electron flow in conducting polymer films: injection, mobility, recombination and mesostructure, JPC 14, 9877 (2002)

A B Walker, A Kambili, S J Martin, Electrical transport modelling in organic electroluminescent devices, JPC 14, 9825 (2002)

A B Kaiser, Electronic transport properties of conducting polymers and carbon nanotubes, RPP 64, 1 (2001)

D Vong, T Nematiaram, M Dettmann, T Murrey, L Cavalcante, S Gurses, D Radhakrishnan, L Daemen, J Anthony, K Koski, C Kronawitter, A Troisi, A Moule, Quantitative Hole Mobility Simulation and Validation in Substituted Acenes, JPCL 13, 5530 (2022)

S Wang, Emerging efficient charge-transport landscape based on short-range order in conjugated polymers, Synthetic Metals 251, 104 (2019)

I Vladimirov, M Kuhn, T Gessner, F May, R T Weitz, Energy barriers at grain boundaries dominate charge carrier transport in an electron-conductive organic semiconductor, Sci Rep 8, 14868 (2018)

S D Kang, G J Snyder, Charge-transport model for conducting polymers, Nat Mater 16, 252 (2017)

S Fratini, D Mayou, S Ciuchi, The Transient Localization Scenario for Charge Transport in Crystalline Organic Materials, AFM 26, 2292 (2016) – doi

A Troisi, The speed limit for sequential charge hopping in molecular materials, Organic Electronics 12, 1988 (2011)

P Stallinga, Electronic transport in organic materials: comparison of band theory with percolation/(variable range) hopping theory, AM 23, 3356 (2011)

J Cornil, J L Bredas, J Zaumseil, H Sirringhaus, Ambipolar transport in organic conjugated materials, AM 19, 1791 (2007)

M Springborg, Y Dong, Conjugated polymers in external DC fields, AQC 47, 369 (2004)

J L Bredas, D Beljonne, J Cornil, J Calbert, Z Shuai, R Silbey, Electronic structure of π-conjugated oligomers and polymers: a quantum-chemical approach to transport properties, Synthetic Metals 125, 107 (2002)