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Indigo dye

X Wei, W Zhang, G Yu, Semiconducting Polymers Based on Isoindigo and Its Derivatives: Synthetic Tactics, Structural Modifications, and Applications, AFM 31, 2010979 (2021)

K Fallon, H Bronstein, Indolonaphthyridine: A Versatile Chromophore for Organic Electronics Inspired by Natural Indigo Dye, ACR 54, 182 (2020)

E Wang, W Mammo, M R Andersson, Isoindigo-Based Polymers and Small Molecules for Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells and Field Effect Transistors, AM 26, 1801 (2014)

E D Glowacki, G Voss, N S Sariciftci, Progress in Chemistry and Applications of Functional Indigos for Organic Electronics, AM 25, 6783 (2013)

L I Leshanskaya, I V Klimovich, D D Dashitsyrenova, L A Frolova, E S Ershova, V A Sergeeva, V Y Tabakov, S V Kostyuk, K A Lyssenko, P A Troshin, Dibenzoindigo: A Nature-Inspired Biocompatible Semiconductor Material for Sustainable Organic Electronics, Adv Optical Mater 2017, 1601033 (2017)

O Pitayatanakul, K Iijima, M Ashizawa, T Kawamoto, H Matsumoto, T Mori, An iodine effect in ambipolar organic field-effect transistors based on indigo derivatives, JMCC 3, 8612 (2015) – cif

D V Anokhin, L I Leshanskaya, A A Piryazev, D K Susarova, N N Dremova, E V Shcheglov, D A Ivanov, V F Razumov, P A Troshin, Towards understanding the behavior of indigo thin films in organic field-effect transistors: a template effect of the aliphatic hydrocarbon dielectric on the crystal structure and electrical performance of the semiconductor, Chem Commun 50, 7639 (2014)

I V Klimovich, L I Leshanskaya, S I Troyanov, D V Anokhin, D V Novikov, A A Piryazev, D A Ivanov, N N Dremova, P A Troshin, Design of indigo derivatives as environment-friendly organic semiconductors for sustainable organic electronics, JMCC 2, 7621 (2014) – cif

M Irimia-Vladu, E D Glowacki, P A Troshin, G Schwabegger, L Leonat, D K Susarova, O Krystal, M Ullah, Y Kanbur, M A Bodea, V F Razumov, H Sitter, S Bauer, N S Sariciftci, Indigo - A Natural Pigment for High Performance Ambipolar Organic Field Effect Transistors and Circuits, AM 24, 375 (2012)

F Kettner, L Huter, J Schafer, K Roder, U Purgahn, H Krautscheid, Selective crystallization of indigo B by a modified sublimation method and its redetermined structure, Acta Cryst E 67, o2867 (2011) – cif

P Susse, M Steins, V Kupcik, Indigo: Crystal structure refinement based on synchrotron data, Z Kristallographie 184, 269 (1988) – cif