
Ionic conductors

Fast ion conductor (Wikipedia)

M Sotoudeh, S Baumgart, M Dillenz, J Dohn, K Forster???Tonigold, K Helmbrecht, D Stottmeister, A Gross, Ion Mobility in Crystalline Battery Materials, AEM 14, 2302550 (2024) – doi

Y Gao, N Li, Y Wu, W Yang, S Bo, Rethinking the Design of Ionic Conductors Using Meyer-Neldel-Conductivity Plot, AEM 11, 2100325 (2021)

Y Yang, R Huang, Probing memristive switching in nanoionic devices, Nat Electron 1, 274 (2018)

J W Fergus, Ion transport in sodium ion conducting solid electrolytes, Solid State Ionics 227, 102 (2012)

N Anantharamulu, K K Rao, G Rambabu, B V Kumar, V Radha, M Vithal, A wide-ranging review on Nasicon type materials, J Mater Sci 46, 2821 (2011)

P Knauth, Inorganic solid Li ion conductors: An overview, Solid State Ionics 180, 911 (2009)

S Hull, Superionics: crystal structures and conduction processes, RPP 67, 1233 (2004)

H Zheng, E Sivonxay, R Christensen, M Gallant, Z Luo, M McDermott, P Huck, M Smedskjaer, K Persson, The ab initio non-crystalline structure database: empowering machine learning to decode diffusivity, npj Comput Mater 10, 295 (2024) – doi

D A Keen etal, Nature of the superionic transition in Ag+ and Cu+ halides, PRB 68, 014117 (2003)

S Yoshikado, H Goto, T Murata, Y Azuma, I Taniguchi, Y Ito, B E Mellander, Ion conduction in β-AgI single crystal at low temperatures, Solid State Ionics 79, 124 (1995)

P M Woodward, Ionic conductivity and solid electrolytes (2003)

Solid electrolytes and membranes

A Arya, A L Sharma, Insights into the use of polyethylene oxide in energy storage/conversion devices: a critical review, JPD 50, 443002 (2017)

J C Bachman, S Muy, A Grimaud, H Chang, N Pour, S F Lux, O Paschos, F Maglia, S Lupart, P Lamp, L Giordano, Y Shao-Horn, Inorganic Solid-State Electrolytes for Lithium Batteries: Mechanisms and Properties Governing Ion Conduction, CR 116, 140 (2016)

M Pogosova, I Krasnikova, A Sergeev, A Zhugayevych, K Stevenson, Correlating structure and transport properties in pristine and environmentally-aged superionic conductors based on Li1.3Al0.3Ti1.7(PO4)3 ceramics, J Power Sources 448, 227367 (2020) – doi

P Canepa, J A Dawson, G S Gautam, J M Statham, S C Parker, M S Islam, Particle Morphology and Lithium Segregation to Surfaces of the Li7La3Zr2O12 Solid Electrolyte, CM 30, 3019 (2018)

S Murugesan, O A Quintero, B P Chou, P Xiao, K Park, J W Hall, R A Jones, G Henkelman, J B Goodenough, K J Stevenson, Wide electrochemical window ionic salt for use in electropositive metal electrodeposition and solid state Li-ion batteries, JMCA 2, 2194 (2014)