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Composite methods

G Chinini, R Custodio, Systematic Convergence of the Numerical Taylor Series to the Best Standard and Its Potential Implication for the Development of Composite Methods, JCTC 17, 2231 (2021)

L A Curtiss, P C Redfern, K Raghavachari, Gaussian-4 theory, JCP 126, 084108 (2007)

L A Curtiss, K Raghavachari, P C Redfern, V Rassolov, J A Pople, Gaussian-3 (G3) theory for molecules containing first and second-row atoms, JCP 109, 7764 (1998)

L A Curtiss, K Raghavachari, G W Trucks, J A Pople, Gaussian-2 theory for molecular energies of first- and second-row compounds, JCP 94, 7221 (1991)