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Coupled cluster

Q Ma, H J Werner, Explicitly correlated local coupled-cluster methods using pair natural orbitals, WIREs Comput Mol Sci 2018, e1371 (2018)

G H Booth, A Gruneis, G Kresse, A Alavi, Towards an exact description of electronic wavefunctions in real solids, Nature 493, 365 (2013)

D I Lyakh, M Musiaz, V F Lotrich, R J Bartlett, Multireference Nature of Chemistry: The Coupled-Cluster View, CR 112, 182 (2012)

R J Bartlett, Coupled-cluster theory and its equation-of-motion extensions, WIREs Comput Mol Sci 2, 126 (2012)

A I Krylov, Equation-of-motion coupled-cluster methods for open-shell and electronically excited species: the hitchhiker’s guide to Fock space, ARPC 59, 433 (2008)

Bartlett R J, Musial M, Coupled-cluster theory in quantum chemistry, RMP 79, 291 (2007)

T D Crawford, H F Schaefer III, An Introduction to Coupled Cluster Theory for Computational Chemists, RCC 14, 33 (2000)

O Sinanoglu, Many electron theory of atoms and molecules. II, JCP 36, 3198 (1962)

O Sinanoglu, Many electron theory of atoms and molecules. I. Shells, electron pairs vs many electron correlations, JCP 36, 706 (1962)

T B Adler, H J Werner, An explicitly correlated local coupled cluster method for calculations of large molecules close to the basis set limit, JCP 135, 144117 (2011)