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Visualizers (free)








Molecular modeling environments

With solvers



HyperChem (molecules only)

Materials Studio by Accelrys


MStudio Mindlab

Schrodinger (Jaguar, Maestro, Macromodel)

Spartan (molecules only)

Without solvers

Atomistix ToolKit (academic)


Gabedit (free)


Pyiron (IDE for computational materials science)

WebMO (free online version requiring Perl and Apache server)

Other environments

Rosetta (academic, proteins and nucleic acids)



Ab initio molecules and crystals

BigDFT (free, wavelets)

CP2K (free, GTO and PW +MD +TB +classical MD)


FHI-aims (numerical AO)

Gaussian (GTO)

NWChem (academic)

Octopus (grid-based +TDDFT)

Ab initio molecules

Columbus (academic, MRCI)

Firefly (academic)

FreeON (free, linear scaling +PBC +MD)

GAMESS (academic)


Molpro (MRCI)

ORCA (forum)




Ab initio crystals

ABINIT (free)


Conquest (academic, linear scaling)

GPAW (grid-based projector-augmented wave method)

ONETEP (Wannier, linear scaling)

Quantum ESPRESSO (free)

SIESTA (academic, optimized LCAO, linear scaling + MD)


WIEN2k (augmented PW and local orbitals)

Yambo (free, post-DFT)



MOPAC (academic)

Density functional tight binding

DFTB+ (academic +DFT)

xtb (academic)

Tight binding


NEMO-3D (free)

Plato (academic +DFT)

Classical molecular mechanics

AMBER (biomolecules)



GROMACS (free)

GULP (academic)

LAMMPS (free)

LASP (academic)

NAMD (free)

sGDML - Symmetric Gradient Domain Machine Learning

TINKER (free)

Other solvers

BerkeleyGW (academic)

ELSI - ELectronic Structure Infrastructure

Other simulators and solvers

ADC-connect - algebraic-diagrammatic construction (python)

ANT - nonadiabatic MD (academic)

CASINO - quantum MC (academic)

Dirac - relativistic effects (academic)

Forte - multireference quantum chemistry methods

libAtoms+QUIP - MD+TB

MCTDH - quantum MD (academic)

MS2 - MD for thermodynamics of liquids

MultiPsi - MCSCF (python)

NEXMD - nonadiabatic MD (free)

PYXAID - nonadiabatic MD (free)

QCManyBody - many-body expansion (python)

QMCPACK - quantum MC (free)

QWalk - quantum MC (free)

TurboRVB - quantum MC (free)

Materials modeling environments

AiiDA - Automated Interactive Infrastructure and Database for Computational Science


ASE - Atomic Simulation Environment

ESL - Electronic Structure Library (CECAM)

JARVIS - Joint Automated Repository for Various Integrated Simulations (NIST)

MatCloud - based on VASP

Pymatgen - Python Materials Genomics

Multiscale modeling

DAMASK - the Dusseldorf Advanced Material Simulation Kit

Computational geometry

CAT - Compound Attachment Tool

LEADOMISE - workflow for directed medicinal chemistry design

TRAVIS - Trajectory Analyzer and Visualizer


MolSym - Python package for handling molecular symmetry

QSym2 - Quantum Symbolic Symmetry Analysis Program for Electronic Structure

SeeK-path - k-path finder and visualizer

Other tools

ATAT - Alloy Theoretic Automated Toolkit

CREST - Conformer-Rotamer Ensemble Sampling Tool

FDA - Computation of Atomic Orbitals (free, Density Functional method and the Xalpha functional)

LocVib - vibrations localization

Molecular Dynamics Studio - simplifies MD in LAMMPS

MOVIPAC - vibrational spectroscopy (numerical derivatives)

MRSimulator - solid-state NMR spectral simulation and analysis

Multiwfn - Multifunctional Wavefunction Analyzer

NBO6 - Natural Bond Orbital analysis (see also NBO5)

OpenMM - MD Toolkit (free)