
Computational databases and high-throughput calculations

AFLOW - autimatic flow for materials discovery (Duke U)

Chemiscope - interactive structure/property explorer for materials and molecules (COSMO lab at EPFL)

FAIR-DI - Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Re-purposable Data Infrastructure

Materials Project (MIT, LBNL)

The MolSSI Quantum Chemistry Archive

NIST Computational chemistry comparison and benchmark database

NOMAD Lab (part of FAIR-DI)

The Open Quantum Materials Database

quantum-machine.org (A Tkachenko)

A Jain, K A Persson, G Ceder, Research Update: The materials genome initiative: Data sharing and the impact of collaborative ab initio databases, APL Mater 4, 053102 (2016)

S Curtarolo, G L W Hart, M B Nardelli, N Mingo, S Sanvito, O Levy, The high-throughput highway to computational materials design, Nat Mater 12, 191 (2013)

C L Bird, J G Frey, Chemical information matters: an e-Research perspective on information and data sharing in the chemical sciences, CSR 42, 6754 (2013)