
Atomic and molecular chains

T Siu, J Wong, M Hight, T Su, Single-cluster electronics, PCCP 23, 9643 (2021)

G Cohen, M Galperin, Green's function methods for single molecule junctions, JCP 152, 090901 (2020)

F Evers, R Korytar, S Tewari, J van Ruitenbeek, Advances and challenges in single-molecule electron transport, RMP 92, 035001 (2020)

M Thoss, F Evers, Perspective: Theory of quantum transport in molecular junctions, JCP 148, 030901 (2018)

N A Zimbovskaya, M R Pederson, Electron transport through molecular junctions, PR 509, 1 (2011)

S J van der Molen, P Liljeroth, Charge transport through molecular switches, JPC 22, 133001 (2010)

P I Arseev, N S Maslova, Electron-vibration interaction in tunneling processes through single molecules, Physics Uspekhi 53, 1151 (2010)

M Koentopp, C Chang, K Burke, R Car, Density functional calculations of nanoscale conductance, JPC 20, 083203 (2008)

Introducing Molecular Electronics, ed G Cuniberti, G Fagas, K Richter, LNP 680 (2005)

N Agrait, A L Yevati, J M van Ruitenbeek, Quantum properties of atomic-sized conductors, PR 377, 81 (2003)

J C Cuevas, J Heurich, F Pauly, W Wenzel, G Schon, Theoretical description of the electrical conduction in atomic and molecular junctions, Nanotechnology 14, R29 (2003)