
Glass transition

J C Dyre, The glass transition and elastic models of glass-forming liquids, RMP 78, 953 (2006)

M Alcoutlabi, G B McKenna, Effects of confinement on material behaviour at the nanometre size scale, JPC 17, R461 (2005)

R Schilling, Theories of the structural glass transition, in Collective dynamics of nonlinear and disordered systems, ed G Radons, W Just, P Haussler (Springer, 2005), p 171; cond-mat/0305565

T Kitamura, Quantum field theory of the liquid-glass transition, PR 383, 1 (2003)

T Bauer, P Lunkenheimer, A Loidl, Cooperativity and the Freezing of Molecular Motion at the Glass Transition, PRL 111, 225702 (2013)

Langer J S, Dynamics and thermodynamics of the glass transition, PRE 73, 041504 (2006)